Kelley Reeve

Kelley has been the Executive Director of four Government inquiries, and Head of Secretariat for a Cabinet appointed Advisory Board – all addressing complex policy and regulatory challenges or matters of national significance such as mental health and addiction, identity and national security systems, infant botulism, and social licence for the use of data. Prior to this, Kelley worked in the Justice sector, as a programme director leading cross- sector initiatives, an advisor to executives, including in Ministers’ offices, and in operational management with people leadership responsibilities. Kelley’s established credentials are in end-to-end programme planning and implementation, including developing programme strategy, resource allocation and financial management, people recruitment and performance, information systems, communications, reporting, risk and assurance. She comes with political intellect, governance and systems thinking, practical solutions and with strong performance in building and sustaining effective relationships across a broad spectrum from not for profits, central government to vulnerable communities. Kelley is the Practice Lead for the Optimisation and Delivery team. Her role is to enable consultants to deliver high-impact high quality projects for our clients.

Royal Commissions of Inquiry

Lessons Learned from Royal Commissions, Inquiries and ReviewsKia ora and welcome For the past ten years, the team at Allen + Clarke have been supporting central government deliver successful reviews and inquiries. Overview of Inquiries in Aotearoa New Zealand With the announcement of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Lessons Learned from Aotearoa New Zealand’s [...]

Change + Optimisation

Change is constant and accelerating and we are all working in a less certain environment! We will walk alongside you as you embrace change, so it works for your business and accelerates your success. HOW WE CAN HELP We will help you design operating models, frameworks and ways of working that add value and have [...]

Secretariat + Programme

Our secretariat and programme services are about much more than helping you manage meetings – although we do that brilliantly! We also provide expert advice on the right governance model and how to plan and implement projects to get the results you want. Let us take care of the details so you can focus on [...]

Strategy + Governance

Strategy and governance define your organisation. A well-governed organisation has a clear vision and strategic direction, is transparent and responsive, and gets results. But this doesn’t happen by accident. Allen + Clarke will work with you to guide your organisation or programme to success. HOW WE CAN HELP Strategic planning – Strategy is everything! We [...]