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A team that gives a damn... With over 40 consultants, we have the expertise and the capacity to support projects of any scale. Choosing a team from Allen + Clarke means you will work alongside an enthusiastic group who understand that together we can make a difference in our communities. Searching for the perfect team to support your next project? - Get in touch today.
Our diverse team have assisted with projects that improve Pacific and Asian countries’ social and economic conditions and have worked collaboratively with national partners, organisations, and external funding agencies. Our expert approach to International Development includes respect, humility and service. Our experience will help you support any community, wherever they are in the world.
Our people will support your organisation to navigate change to ensure it works for your business and accelerates your success. We have experience in designing or refreshing operation models, assessing impact and measuring the benefits to your organisation. Organisational change is challenging. Our team enable smart change.
Our strategy and governance specialists can lead your organisation or programme to success. If you are looking for help with strategic planning, best practice governance and governance processes, this is the team for you.
Our team have the skillset to help you engage key Treaty partners and the community to get the best results for your project. We can lead or support you in developing a stakeholder engagement plan through to facilitating workshops with your teams. People engage best with people they trust.
Located in central Melbourne, our 30 strong Australian team understand the machinery of central and state governments. Their broad range of backgrounds, experience and expertise means they have the lived experience you are looking for. Need support from an Australia based team? – let us help.
Located in Wellington Central, our 80 strong team have been supporting central and local government, NGOs and the private sector for more than 20 years. Need support from a New Zealand based team? - let us help.
Allen + Clarke has two majority shareholders, Matthew Allen and Paul Houliston, who are also Directors of the company. The company also has eleven minority owners who all work in the business: Anna Gribble, Ned Hardie-Boys, Rob Smith, Jason Carpenter, Marnie Carter, Jacqui Haggland, Anton Davis, Jonathan Champion, Kelley Reeve, Kylie Berg and Linda Gyorki.
Our board comprises an Independent Director, the two Allen + Clarke Managing Partners and two minority shareholder representatives. Board members are accessible to our team and our clients alike allowing everyone to benefit from their skills and experience.
Our corporate support team have a wealth of professional knowledge. They draw on specialised knowledge, best practices, and technology to provide excellent support to both internal and external customers.
Our team provide comprehensive, effective, and independent secretariat, governance, and programme services. They have extensive experience supporting public and private organisations. We connect the dots effectively and deliver everything you need when you need it.
Our evaluation services are provided by a team of specialists, backed up by our wider team of policy professionals and supplemented by external partners.
We pride ourselves on being experts at all stages of the policy cycle. Our team are highly experienced reviewers, project managers, and public policy practitioners. If you would like support with any stage of the policy cycle, this team are your experts. Our team have experience to deliver best practice policy.
Matthew Allen
BSc, MA(Appl) Env St, Dip Env Hlth
Managing Partner (New Zealand)
Paul Houliston
Managing Partner (Australia)
Jacqui Haggland
BA (1st Class Hons), MAdLitNumEd (Distinction), GradDip Tch (Sec)
Practice Lead
Marnie Carter
Practice Lead
Adam Emirali
Marketing + Business Development Manager
Kylie Berg
MEnvStud (Distinction), BSc
Director Business Development + Systems
Anna Gribble
Senior Consultant
Anton Davis
Senior Consultant
Dr Brendan Stevenson
PhD (Public Health) MA (Psychology) Dip. Dairy Tech.
Senior Consultant
Dr Rebecca Gray
Senior Consultant
Caroline Crothers
Senior Consultant
Charlene Harvey
Senior Consultant
Craig Griffiths
Senior Consultant
Dr Fiona Scott-Melton
B.Comm, M.Comm (Hons), PhD
Senior Consultant
Jaqui Taituha Ngawaka
MBA with Distinction, BTch, BA
Senior Consultant
Jason Carpenter
BA (1st Class Hons)
Senior Consultant
Jeremy Markham
BA, B App Sci, GDip Bus
Senior Consultant
Jodie O’Neill
LLB, BA Political Science
Senior Consultant
Linda Gyorki
BA/LLB (Hons), MA (Public Policy)
Director Consulting
Ned Hardie-Boys
BA (Hons), MA
Senior Consultant
Nick Leffler
MA (Hons), MSc
Senior Consultant
Dr Bo Ning
Senior Consultant
Rob Smith
Senior Consultant
Sam Byfield
MA, BA(Hons)
Manager Policy + Regulatory
Sarah McDowell
BCom(Econ), BA(PoliticalSc), GradDipLaw(CompetitionRegulation)
Manager Policy + Regulation
Stephanie James
LLB, BSc (Biotechnology)
Senior Consultant
Stuart Beresford
Senior Consultant
Susan Cook
BPhysEd, BSc(Nutrition), PostGradDipDiet, PostGradDipPH
Senior Consultant
Alice Palmer
BCom (Management and Psychology)
Ariane La Porte
BA, MPPE (Distinction), PG Cert in Commerce
Georgia Jackson
Ma Public Policy
Nathan Liu
Philippa Tinetti
Priscilia Martin
MBChB, GradDipHSc
Sean Stack
Toby Black
BA(PhPE & Anthropology), MA (Distinction)
William Morgan
BA (Hons), MA (PP&Mgt)